Year 5
On Friday 7th February 2025, the children took part in the Art Festival Day. The focus for the event was Belonging. The children had fun expressing their art and learning about cool and warm colours.
On Monday 13th January 2025, the children of Year 5 enjoyed a fun filled day at the Young Voices concert in Birmingham. The children spent their time rehearsing with other school choirs and MC Grammar along with learning dance moves with the Urbans Strides. The children were a credit to the school and St Martins are proud of their contribution. Well done Year 5.
The children have been busy during the Autumn term. They have created safety belts using florescent and reflective materials and included microbit coding for an alert message.
They have been learning about gears and pulleys and worked in groups to put a model car on a roof.
The children have been busy swimming at Halo Swimming Pool and all children have made significant improvements in their swimming ability - Well done!
We would like to welcome all the children back to St Martin’s as we start 2025. We are so excited for the year ahead and the topics we are going to learn about. Mrs Holder and Mrs Adams are our teachers and we have Mrs Arnold and Miss Rogers who will be working with us.
This term, we will be working hard continuing to develop our writing skills in a wide range of genres. We are also going to be working hard to ensure we are expanding our vocabulary within our writing and will be having weekly comprehension activities which will build on the skills that the children already have in this area to allow them to gain more confidence. Our Reading for Meaning book this term is ‘Holes’ by Louis Sachar– a real modern classic – which we will be integrating to our English lessons.
In Maths, we will be focusing heavily on developing and recapping formal methods of multiplication and division. We will be relating this to real life situations as well as applying this knowledge to a range of skills including working on area of shape, factors and prime numbers and many other new skills in maths. We will be still focusing heavily on our times tables as they are a crucial tool that will help everyone greatly in their maths education throughout their childhood. We will still have access to Times Tables Rockstars - which can also be accessed at home as well!
In our Geography we are going to explore 4 and 6 figure grid references. This should be a very interesting topic that will allow us to study a range of locations in the UK in detail as well as improve our mapping skills. We will be continuing to learn about Ancient Greeks in History and then move on to studying the Maya. This is a really interesting topic which gives the children the opportunity to compare historic events.
In Science this half term our topic is Forces. This is a very fun topic that offers us the chance to do lots of investigations.
PE is on Thursday this term and Monday next half term. Please remember your PE kits for these days. We are lucky enough to have an external coach teach the children cricket so it is really important the children have their kits in order to take part fully.
After the children have worked so hard on their singing skills for Young Voices, this term we will focus on tuned and untuned instruments, following the Charanga music scheme.
We have English and Maths homework that will be set weekly on a Friday and should be submitted back to the class teacher by the Wednesday of the following week. We will be using paper copies of homework and there are spare copies in each classroom should they be needed. Spellings will also be given out on each Friday and these need to be practiced ready to be tested the following Friday.
For the benefit of children, we are very keen to have open and positive relations between the school and families at home. Please don’t hesitate to come in and see us if you have any questions or concerns and we will always do our best to help.
With best wishes from
Mrs Holder and Mrs Adams.
5A Classroom