School Aims
Our school aims to empower all our children to be the best that they can be:
• Expressive in a variety of media
• Optimistic about their future
• Determined to do their best and achieve their potential
• Resilient in an ever changing world
We aim to:
• Provide a stimulating and caring environment to encourage all aspects of the children’s development and to enable each child to fulfil his or her potential
• Deliver a broad and balanced curriculum, giving the children a wide range of experiences through practical and investigative activities
• Promote high standards in literacy and numeracy
• Provide high quality experiences of the arts and sport
• Open children’s minds to new horizons and possibilities
• Teach the children to respect the needs of their classmates, and learn to work and play together harmoniously
• Allow the children to become responsible and independent with a pride in their achievements and in the achievements of others
• Give the children the best possible opportunities in our school and in the local environment, encouraging a healthy and active mind and body
• Make St Martin's Primary School a happy, safe and secure environment for all
• Build effective partnerships between school and home and the wider community to support the children’s learning.